The year 2000 was a year of transition in which a new wine project took shape. By building on our past and enhancing new skills, we have begun to redesign the future by moving our borders overseas and infusing new life into our vision.
We have gone from an era in which knowledge was handed down from father to son, and in which grapes were sold and only one wine was produced for the local market, to an era which combines traditions with modern technologies and new knowledge, preserving biodiversity and respecting natural processes.
Today we look after a precious land, maintaining the alternation of woods, olive groves and orchards, which guarantee us correct biodiversity and a healthy environment which are the basis of our organic productions, in full respect of nature. Authentic sensitivity for the conservation of biodiversity
Loc. Campriano, 10 – 52100 Arezzo (Italia) Tel. & Fax +39 0575 1696461 - E-mail:
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